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People of the Wind

A Breathtaking Documentary About Migration of Bakhtiari Nomads

There are no towns, no roads, and no bridges. There is no turning back. The Bakhtiari migration is one of the most hazardous tests of human endurance known to mankind. Every year, 500,000 men, women and children — along with one million animals — struggle for eight grueling weeks to scale the massive Zagros Mountains — a range which is as high as the Alps and as broad as Switzerland — to move between their summer and winter pastures crossing two hundred miles of raging rivers and impassable mountains and valleys.

Made in 1971 People of the Wind is an amazing, stunning documentary of one of the most breathtaking migrations on earth. An Academy Award and Golden Globe nominee for Best Documentary, People of the wind’s astonishing widescreen cinematography and brilliantly recorded soundtrack take the viewer out onto the dangerous precipices of the Zardeh Kuh mountain and into the icy waters of the Cholbar river and tells the story the bi annual Bakhtiari migration in the final years of its occurrence. It’s a fascinating glimpse into a world that no longer exists and unfortunately none of us will have the chance to witness firsthand.

As a rug lover, you have likely come across the impressive Bakhtiari hand woven craft. In People of the wind you can see how actually these pieces, such as Tachehs or Toubrehs,were used in the daily nomadic life of the Bakhtiari. Through the scenes of the Oscar nominee People of the Wind documentary, we can gain insight into the uses of Bakhtiari weaves and Bakhtiari’s lifestyle, besides their breathtaking encounter with nature. 

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